For some sad reason, Western medicine knows next to nothing about the body’s electrical system. Pharmacology sees electricity as something that makes drugs work. Neurology sees electricity as delivering information to a nervous system that does little more than release or inhibits chemicals. Clinical medicine knows electricity as little more than a means of burning tissue by delivering heat through laser and particle beams.
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, while not couched in electrical terms, are concerned with electrical systems when they talk about energizing a meridian or stimulating the body’s chi. Physiotherapists and chiropractors are working with the nervous activation of tissues, and craniosacral therapists are sensing rhythms and currents in the body.
Viruses and other microbes can be inactivated in a selective way by subjecting them to an oscillating electric field of adequate frequency, such as found in the terahertz frequency range. Fracturing The Virus The genetic material of the virus is DNA/RNA enclosed within the protective protein shell (Capsid). Every cell in the human body has a natural tendency to vibrate at a frequency known as the natural frequency, and so does the virus. A typical example will be an opera singer shattering a wine glass. Here, the sound waves produced by the singer shatter the wine glass due to resonance.
The protective protein shell (Capsid) of viruses is influenced by mechanical excitations in the form of frequency waves when focused on it.
Excitations tuned to the natural frequency of the virus shell result in resonance. At resonance, for sufficient wave energy, the protective shell undergoes alternating compression and rarefaction which induce mechanical stress severe enough to shatter the virus shell just like the wine glass. The virus becomes inactive with the destruction of its protective shell.
Royal R. Rife discovered this already about 100 years ago. He proved its efficiency by means of high-resolution microscopes and in 1934, by controlled clinical tests. However, these results seemed to be unbelievable, since the underlying mechanism was not yet understood.
Forced oscillations of viral spikes lead to a peculiar resonance, because of nonlinear effects.
It causes total destruction of the virus by rupture of its coating.
The same theory applies to bacteria and nanobacteria, because of their pili.
By watching bacteria and viruses in their living state, Rife said that he could observe the effect of impinging electrical waves. He said he could tune these waves to the pathogen’s resonant frequencies, and kill them.
The worldwide "plandemic", the constant threat of unpredictable mutations, and the now available explanations should make it obvious that biophysical methods cannot be neglected anymore.
If the metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced or poised, it is susceptible to no disease. Frequency selection in the terahertz range of the electromagnetic spectrum is able to lead to a controlled increase in intracellular and extracellular transport of proteins due to the controlled ATP GTP reaction thereby increasing the immune characteristics of the body, as well as - impeding the development of oncological diseases.
Think of it as Broadband Bio-Coherence! The body of a healthy person "vibrates" in the higher ranges.
The body’s reaction to terahertz therapy remains natural; the modulation boosts the body’s ability for homeostatic regulation to reestablish a healthy state. Effects of Electromagnetic Waves on Pathogenic Viruses
Pathogenic viral infections have become a serious public health issue worldwide. Viruses can infect all cell-based organisms and cause varying injuries and damage, resulting in diseases or even death. With the prevalence of highly pathogenic viruses, such as the recent pandemic, and others, it is urgent to develop efficient and safe approaches to inactivate pathogenic viruses.
Electromagnetic waves, with high penetration capacity, physical resonance, and non-contamination, have emerged as a potential strategy to inactivate pathogenic viruses and have attracted increasing attention.
Inactivating pathogenic viruses by physiological destruction to reduce their infective, pathogenic, and reproductive abilities is a powerful approach to their elimination.
Electromagnetic waves have the potential as a practical way to inactivate pathogenic viruses due to its high penetrating ability, rapid and homogeneous heating, resonance with microorganisms, and plasma release. The ability of electromagnetic waves to inactivate pathogenic viruses has been demonstrated in the last century. In recent years, the applications of electromagnetic waves in the inactivation of pathogenic viruses have attracted increasing attention.
Effect of electromagnetic waves on pathogenic viruses
It has been demonstrated that electromagnetic waves can disrupt the morphology of viruses, especially ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) and extremely high-frequency (EHF) electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic wave exposure can be destructive to viral morphology by puncturing large holes in the rough spherical envelope of the virus, which causes loss of their content.
Most viruses have an outer envelope structure consisting of lipids and glycoproteins. Furthermore, envelope proteins determine receptor specificity and act as primary antigens, which the host immune system can recognize. An intact structure ensures the integrity and genetic stability of the virus.
Studies have reported that electromagnetic waves can destroy the RNA of pathogenic viruses. Electromagnetic waves damage the nucleic acid structure of a virus.
It has been proposed that electromagnetic radiation could denature the spike protein, which is critical for the entry of viruses into host cells, through the formation of hot spots and the interaction of the oscillating electric field with different parts of protein charges via a pure electromagnetic effect.
The resonant energy transfer effect of electromagnetic waves could generate sufficient stress to disrupt the viral envelope structure. For enveloped viruses, infectivity or certain activities are usually reduced or completely lost after envelope disruption.
Effect of electromagnetic waves on the activity of pathogenic viruses
The activity of a virus can be characterized by its ability to infect, replicate, transcribe, and so on.
Researchers found that the virus titers were significantly reduced after 3 min of exposure, indicating that electromagnetic wave radiation is effective against HCV and HIV-1 infectivity and could contribute to the prevention of virus transmission even in the context of coexposure.
Electromagnetic waves can affect virus activity both in aerosols and in suspensions, as well as on the surfaces of objects. The inactivation efficiency was found to be closely associated with the frequency and power of the electromagnetic waves.
Furthermore, physical resonance-based electromagnetic frequencies are prominent in the field of virus inactivation.
Mechanisms underlying the inactivation of pathogenic viruses by electromagnetic waves
Thermal effects
The thermal effect refers to the temperature increase induced by the high-speed rotation, collision, and friction of polar molecules in tissues under electromagnetic waves. Due to this property, electromagnetic waves can raise the temperature of the virus beyond the physiological tolerance threshold, resulting in viral death.
Water molecules move according to the alternating electric field excited by electromagnetic waves to generate heat by friction. Then, the heat is transferred to the virus to raise its temperature. When the tolerance threshold is exceeded, the nucleic acids and proteins are destroyed, ultimately decreasing infectivity or even inactivating the virus.
Several groups have reported that electromagnetic waves can reduce the infectivity of viruses through thermal effects. These thermal effects might be attributed to the effects of electromagnetic waves on the water molecules around them.
Nonthermal effects
In addition to thermal effects, electromagnetic waves can alter the polarity of molecules, such as microbial proteins and nucleic acids, and cause the rotation and vibration of molecules, which results in reduced viability or even death. It is believed that the rapid conversion of the polarity of electromagnetic waves could cause protein polarization and lead to the twisting and bending of protein structures, ultimately resulting in protein denaturation.
Electromagnetic waves can directly penetrate the outer shell protein of the MS2 virus and destroy viral nucleic acids. Moreover, MS2 viral aerosols are much more sensitive to electromagnetic waves than water-borne MS2. Due to the less polar molecules, such as water molecules in the surrounding environment of MS2 viral aerosols, nonthermal effects might play pivotal roles in the electromagnetic wave-mediated inactivation of viruses.
Physical resonance properties
The resonance phenomenon refers to the tendency of a physical system to absorb more energy from its surroundings at its natural vibration frequency and wavelength. Resonance occurs in many parts of nature. Viruses are known to resonate in the confined-acoustic dipolar mode with waves of the same frequency, which is a resonance phenomenon.
The efficient structure-resonant energy transfer (SRET) effect from electromagnetic waves to confined acoustic vibrations (CAVs) in viruses could result in the fracture of the viral membrane through opposite core-shell oscillations. Furthermore, the overall SRET efficiency is related to the properties of the surrounding environment, among which the size of the virus particle and pH determine the resonant frequency and energy absorption, respectively.
The physical resonance effect of electromagnetic waves has played a pivotal role in the inactivation of enveloped viruses, which are surrounded by a bilayer membrane embedded with viral proteins. Researchers found an inactivation of H3N2 by electromagnetic waves causing a physical rupture of the envelope through the resonance effect.
The resonant frequency and power dose were determined by the physical characteristics of the virus, such as the particle size and elasticity, and all of the viruses located in the resonant frequency could be efficiently targeted and inactivated. This inactivation of viruses is promising in the treatment of human malignant diseases caused by pathogenic viruses.
Electromagnetic waves are highly effective against virus aerosols based on the realization of virus inactivation in the liquid phase and on the surfaces of different media, which is a breakthrough and has great significance for the control of virus transmission and prevention of social epidemics. In addition, the discovery of the physical resonance properties of electromagnetic waves is of great significance in the field. All viruses within the resonant frequency range of the wound can be targeted, which is not possible with traditional virus inactivation techniques.
Compared with traditional virus elimination technology, electromagnetic waves show the simplicity, high efficiency, practicality, and environmental friendliness of killing viruses with their own unique physical characteristics.
Electromagnetic waves have emerged as a promising approach for the inactivation of pathogenic viruses. Electromagnetic wave technology could overcome the limitations of traditional antivirus technology due to its excellent advantages, including low contamination, low cost, and high efficiency in inactivating pathogenic viruses.
Electromagnetic waves can destroy the structure and activity of multiple pathogenic viruses. The efficiency of viral inactivation is closely associated with the frequency, power density, and exposure time. Moreover, the underlying mechanisms include thermal effects, nonthermal effects, and structural resonance energy transfer effects. Compared with traditional antiviral technologies, electromagnetic wave-based viral inactivation has several advantages, such as simplicity, high efficiency, and low pollution. Therefore, electromagnetic wave-mediated viral inactivation has emerged as a promising antiviral technology for future application.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.